
A Marathon Day of Marketing Myself

When you're stressed from internship interviewing, the Super Bowl is a great way to take the edge off. At least many of my classmates were hoping it would be that way. As the lone Colts fan in a sea of Bears' orange and blue, I watched my classmates wilt with each of Rex Grossman's mistakes. In between plays, conversation inevitably turned to internships.

"I can't wait until this is over." I can't count how many times someone said that to me on Super Bowl Sunday. Ironically, these Bears fans were talking about interviewing, not the game. Interviews started a week after we returned from winter break. There was no time to settle into a routine and deal with this semester's reading intensive courseload.

Instead, everyone was attending recruiting dinners, researching companies, and rehearsing "STAR" stories. (For those not in the loop: Situation, Task, Action, Result—stories that demonstrate how you led teams and became a superstar at former jobs.) Every day, someone was dressed up, leaving class early, or coming to class late for meetings with recruiters. I spoke with one classmate who had an interview on Wednesday, and her nerves had kept her from sleeping since the previous Sunday. Talk about stress.

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